=> Occasionally, some of your iPhone photos will landed in the “DATE” event folders too. It will be filed under the “DATE” event folder.
=> The videos unfortunately will not appear in any of the “Photo Stream” event. => These photos will 95% of time appear in “Feb 2014 Photo Stream” under the “Events” in the iPhoto Library. You have your powerful smartphone such as iPhone that comes with very good camera. It is not the perfect way, but it is at least a ROUTINE to me, so that I am discipline enough to clean my photos every 1-2 months. So, here, I would like to share how I sort out my photos. And if you don’t organise it properly, you will never find it again. Really, if you don’t do the clean up, the JUNKS will pile up. You also have the chance to DELETE those photos that is not important to you. By doing so, you have a chance to rearrange your photos into proper folders and albums. Make it a habit to clean up the iPhoto library every 1-2 months or so. If you look closer, there are indeed a lot of junks in your iPhoto library. They might now have more than 361GB (like me) of photos and videos in their iPhoto.